— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I sit with a friend and choose a wheelchair for her.
Description of a child’s wheelchair:
Parameters: 6 amortisers for comfortable driving; sports frame, chromium; tyre wheel type, rotating mechanism on bearings with cast disks; two-sided braking system, scheduled; amortisation system - amortisers on all wheels two amortisers on the frame; book folding mechanism; pen - twisted and adjustable in height; capping mechanism on the crack is silent; there is a viewing window on the top of the capping; a rollover with a hard bottom; a walk block - three positions of the back; five-point safety belts; a regulated lower metal foot; a summer grid on the back of the capping.
Mimo passes through a friend's father and gives:
But it’s even better than Lada Kalina!! O_O

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna