— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The third day the internet is not working well. Gathered with courage, I call for support:
My name is Irina. Something happened? They respond happily on the wire.
The internet doesn’t work, I respond gently.
Proposes to remove the cable, restart the computer. and the other. Eventually switch to the customer department.
This is Marina. What happened?
The internet does not work.
Gothic The music. switch to those. The Department.
This is Natalia. What happened?
The Third Circle. Gothic and music.
This is Irina. Something happened? There is a familiar voice.
The internet still does not work.
The wire removed? With hope.
and UGU. Irina, do you have any support?
He was alone, she said sadly. But he left, saying that he was tired of the assembly of stupid babies. I don’t know why he didn’t please our clients.
Oh man, I understand you! But go back! Give me the internet.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna