— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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One of my neighbors (1) has just received the prize and plans to spend it on a new winter jacket. The second has a long-standing dream - to buy a car, he refuses everything, sells what he can - only to accumulate the necessary amount. The second just recently got a package from the house with a light autumn windshield, which he is trying to sell instead of a winter jacket to the first neighbor:
“Look, it’s new, I’ve worn it a couple of times... let’s buy it from me for half the price!
I need the winter! Should I wear an autumn jacket?? to
Do you know how much the new one cost? It is cheaper!
1) Yes, I need a warm winter, what will I walk in the frost? Distance to.
2: Well buy, I need money!
Elijah, you’re in the car, right? Do you remember my grandfather died last year? There is a shorter tractor from it, can I sell it to you cheaper? He is in excellent condition!
Do I get a tractor? I need a car, where will I drive on your tractor?
1) Do you know how much it cost new??? Buy it! So buy it! We need money!!! 1
2) Well I understood it.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna