— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I work at SC.Hard working day, patience at the outcome. calls client(s):
Q: Hi to you! What is "Nokia"?
I am: Yes. I listen to you!
Q: What is your work schedule, on what days?
I: - from Pn to Pt and so on...
I put on the phone and in 5 minutes:
Q: Hi to you! This is Nokia"s "Say, do you repair the phones that fell into the water?
I: Yes, but it is already paid and not a guarantee repair.
In 10 minutes:
Q: Hi to you! Is the Nokia Model 6700 plastic or iron?
I am metal, but there are plastic parts. Can you call once and ask everyone, instead of calling back every 10 minutes and not distracting us from work?
In five minutes:
Q: Hi to you! What is "Nokia"? Tell me, please, you say that the Nokia 6700 model is iron, so why is it not attracted by a magnet?
I: - 0_0 Meaning of why?! to
K (with a mourning voice): - Well he lies in the river, I attached a magnetic to the rope and I try to get him, and he doesn't want to be attracted.
After 10 minutes of ringing the phone, the customer did not call again =)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna