— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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First day of the semester, first day of school. Beginning of the couple.
Prepod: Blah blah blah, what is ethnicity?
The Dead Silence
Prepod (disappointed): Taak... I’ll go to the decanate and take your notes... (the audience is quiet, then the audience will be ой-ой ой)...I’ll squeeze my head with ashes....(laughs in the audience)....I’ll scratch myself shakes like the ancient Greeks...(the audience is still shaking)....I’ll cut my ear off like the Vikings (the audience continues to shake pleasantly, although it’s already scary to be in a closed room with this person)...and...I don’t even know, well, what else should I do?
Probably this should have been the Great Educational Rhetorical Question, with the subtext “Think and repent, sinners!” But the whole effect ruined Katya. After Mhatovsky’s enduring pause, she sincerely advised:
and harakiri!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna