— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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xxx: yesterday in one of the large banks (I immediately say - not a bank with a green Pakman in the form of an emblem) saw an epic marasma
The grandmother - in the appearance of a godfather, but with a rare stealthy character - brought all her savings and decided to open the contribution. The manager, kindly smiling, issued all the documents, the grandmother signed them all, took the documents given to her and sits waiting for something... the manager continues to smile )))
The phrase, said by the grandmother, killed not only the manager: "Where is my book???"... all the accusations that the bank does not issue them stumbled on the same phrase, but already on higher exhaust tones
xxx: however, the manager - beautiful, ingenious))) printed again the certificate from the account, put it in 4 parts (just the size of almost a booklet) and handed the grandmother with the words "Now the book looks like this!";
I thought there would be applause in the room now xDDDD

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna