— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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from ZH

humus: I call a client, the telephone is raised by a teenager, judging by the voice of fifteen years old.
“Good morning,” I said, “call my mom on the phone.
Who are you?
My name is Igor. Call her mom.
Why do you want her?
It’s my business, just call me.
Tell me why you need her.
It’s not your business, just call and that’s all.
I won’t call you until you tell me.
It broke me here.
Fuck, I just do it. So call my mother.
and silence. Then suddenly I hear a young boy’s crazy voice:
Dad, Dad, take the phone! My fucking mom is calling.! to
I lost the gift of speech and automatically switched off the phone. Now I regret a little.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna