— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I went to work in a new office. Well, as it goes, brought his cup, a tablespoon and coffee picked up.And on the coffee dropped on the half-tanner, his coffee stands on the table in the corner of it is not visible.I noticed that the last three days everyone drinks not coffee, but terrible quality and suspicious composition of green tea.
Now I pour boiling water, I pour sugar, I get enough coffee, I start to mix in complete silence (even the radio is silent).I turn around the whole office watching me with such big animated eyes, in the eyes of everyone the question is silent: You are drinking coffee? Yes, please take me whoever wants.
The accountant takes the bank and begins to hysterically roast!
Name of Coffee: Egoist
I don’t think it’s going to be a lot about me in the collective.)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna