— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Apartment at the address: Moscow, Chernitsynskiy pass, d.8, square square 114 (Stjelkovskaya city), host: Dorochina Love Federovna, passport series 45 03 No 628320, issued 25.07.2002 OVD "Golianovo" Moscow, registered at the address: Moscow, street. Krasnoyarskaya, d.3, page 2, square by 388. The housewife is unchangeable. PATOLOGICAL ALCHNA!, already a month after instillation (although the contract was concluded for 11 months) must pay more than the contract stipulates. The bet is not returned, Hamit! He threatens to be executed along with his son. People, be careful!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna