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With regard to passwords and signs, a computer miracle happened in my eyes.
Not so funny, but... wonderful.

My wife is pregnant with a second child. In principle, one adult child she already had, her career went to the mountain, and the age is not youthful.
Eventually, she decided to interrupt her pregnancy. I went to the doctor after work.

And our administrator in the office after some time forcibly changed all the passwords for logging into computers. Usually he changed them himself in the evening, using a random password generator (well, that is, the program randomly picked a combination of letters and numbers, and he then selected more or less memorable and distributed to employees), and in the morning you found a piece of paper under the keyboard with a new password.

So, on the day my colleague was going to have an abortion, under the keyboard she found her new computer password: "PLZMOMNO", which is only decoded as Please Mom No (Please Mom No).

Such a sign only the blind will not notice. She called and canceled the doctor’s appointment.

Her baby is probably 5 years old now.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna