— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Out of curiosity, I registered with Hyde Park, a “social network for mature people,” as it is advertised. There were several reasons for Tom.
For example, I expected to find more thoughtful, clearly formulated judgments there. He hoped to find a polite, correct communication. Finally, I just got tired of more or less correct speech, which is still more typical of people who received a good Soviet education and read a lot of good books.

He made a small note about what was hurt – about the methodical destruction of education, about the strategy of a planned conscious outpouring of society. Although I assumed that this note is not noticed by the headhunter in the general flow of messages.

and happiness.

By the evening, more than three hundred reviews were submitted. A significant proportion of the written by mature people was made up of motherhood, the rest was constructive criticism. And you would know how much new, amazing I learned about myself. Moreover, it turned out that the personality I is extremely contradictory, skillfully combining the most seemingly unconnected vices.

It turned out, for example, that I am an unknown communist. At the same time, however, the Soviet Union collapsed and successfully sold the homeland to the Jews, the Churks and the Democrats.

As a former predecessor, I also found myself solely guilty of the collapse of the people, which, however, does not exist in fact, and which was invented in favor of the Pindos by such enemies of reforms as I am.

It was established that I was an intellectual, but at the same time a quick bandit.

It was also revealed that I was also a professional policeman – undoubtedly, personally and regularly beating and physically tormenting students – and at the same time, by my concupiscence, bringing them to complete desolation and illiteracy. The fact that the children of many commentators are wild and disadvantaged is also my direct and personal guilt, but this has not prevented me from appearing as a disgusting defamator of our remarkable youth.

The storm didn’t stop for several days. By the evening of the third day, all the unbearable weight of responsibility for the sins committed by mankind in the past and prepared for the future lay on my fragile shoulders. Being pervaded by all the disgust of my unprecedented wicked acts, I sadly deleted my account and removed myself, “scorching, bragging, and gesturing.”

After obtaining a decent resistance on social networks for immature people, I am now afraid. You’ll probably have to sort out the rest of your life off-line... 

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna