— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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xxx: Almost the same story was in our store... a little boy came with a fucking mommy behind the note. Selling the brains for half a day. I bought a note there. After a day, both come in hysteria and panic - like you sold us shit, return the money to compensate for the damage. The guys dug up with the notebook - really the notebook stopped, everything flew, mistakes gave, hangs.... ask her (mama) - what did you do with the notebook? Through the screams her response became clear - only on the Internet as if they were digged. I went into the browser, watched histories, and there were porn sites and classmates! Then they were sent to the Nakhu, with a pair of caspers. Before leaving her mother told her not to allow such a mess. To which she replied that the note was bought precisely for the purposes of the sexual upbringing of her little drunkard! and demanded a list of porn sites where there are no viruses!!!))))))))))))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna