— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A lawyer at work...
The Wacht Village. Wacht month by month.
On Monday, the disciplinary department caught a drunk worker, suspended from work. Examination is...
It is proposed to give an announcement about a highly subdued state. I can’t even write X.
I suggest writing tomorrow.
On Tuesday, the worker appears even more drunk. are removed. The explanation is postponed for another day.
On Wednesday, the worker goes to work in general. The procedure is the same.
On the fourth day, the less convicted worker writes an explanation: I woke up in the night from Monday to Tuesday, recalled that I was removed from work, became upset, drank...
I woke up in the night of Tuesday to Wednesday, remembered that I had already been removed from work twice, was upset, drunk...
I woke up in the night from Wednesday to Thursday, remembered that I had been removed from work three times, was upset, and I thought - and I could be released.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna