— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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d0lboiob: Today the partner took off. He stopped at the zebra.To the left of the school. Students pass by. Age 16-17, cosmetics is not one car, two smoking. Behind them are three boys, also aged 16-17, who, in fact, watch the shapes ahead and try to glue them at the same time.
d0lboiob: The partner looks at the passing girls and says, “Like underdeveloped prostitutes, she is God.”
d0lboiob: Then the guys pass. The partner adds: “And these... primates with iPhones.
d0lboiob: Then he looks toward the school and says, “Shit, are you teaching hooliganism?”
d0lboiob: A minute after 5 his sharp penetration and he says loudly to me, “Epta! We studied with you at that school!”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna