— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Tisulka: Imagine, my mom from the city called me yesterday and asked, “I looked at you a beautiful penny. Buying?" Well what is a penny for me? This is a Chinese silk jacket for 350 rubles. In it and after the shower you can go out, and sleep to lie down and even late guests to meet... well I say: "buy". I open the bag and there... a prostitutes costume. No, well real, as in American films show: a transparent shrimp with rushes... in front of the rushes still poorly cover the most intimate, and behind nothing is covered with rushes or practically invisible strings. I dressed, I stood in front of the mirror, the most uncomfortable became...I think: "Well, I am not determined in life to appear before my husband in this form"...
Docha: And what, did you get the pack back?
Tisulka: Yeah, I bought him socks in the net today.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna