— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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From the forum:

It was a prelude, I don’t need any historical excursions about the role of sex in the rituals of the Maya tribes. I want to know who you are connecting with, neither more nor less. How much you realize at the moment of sexual intercourse that next to you is another person, another Personality, another self.
Men, when you persistently arm your punch, you have the universe in your head, or do you remember that this touching fucking creature loves cats and knows how to sew a cross (one dead puppy, two dead puppy, three dead puppy)?
females, if you throw away the thoughts of new shoes and "your, again did not have time to do pedicure", do you think in the process about the status of the male and what he will have sex with you? Do you think how glorious and pleasant it is to be fucking specifically this blend of Brad Pitt and Yuri Nikulin?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna