— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Q>Which books do you think you should NOT read? For example, having a detrimental effect on the psyche.

All the scientists. For example, the same terver, physics, biology. It has a very harmful effect on the psyche. Because after reading, you suddenly realize that you are surrounded by idiots who carry all kinds of horoscopes, all kinds of souls, all kinds of computer radiation. Programming books are less harmful. The more you read, the lower the qualification of a typical programmer seems, resulting again in a negative impact on the psyche.
You only need to read the work of the RPC! These books are useful – the more you read them, the smarter people around you seem. Well, the box is more important to watch, especially the TNT channel. It also has a very positive effect on the psyche.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna