— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I recently returned from Israel. Now this is quite an ordinary trip, especially since the visas were cancelled a couple of years ago. But the airport security service is angry now.
I still have fresh memories of one of my first visits.
Israel in 2003.
So then 2003. I just joined an Israeli company, got a visa and was sent on a business trip to the headquarters.
I was young, inexperienced and naive and, therefore, gladly agreed to the request of Israeli colleagues in Moscow to bring two simple things: cosher sausages and seeds.
The request surprised me a little (how I felt), but I decided that everyone had their cockroaches in their heads.
In Israel, I bought sausages in a store, and my colleague went to the market for seeds, where half a kilo of seeds was poured into a regular paper bag.
Here I am arriving at the airport. My luggage consisted of a bag of things and a backpack with a laptop, where I threw a bag of seeds.
As it turned out later, I did not, by ignorance, send a letter to the airport security service from our company, which was the usual rule for business trips. So I automatically became a suspicious person in their eyes and was immediately directed to check my luggage.
I was taken to a separate stand, and the young man (MH) began to crush my backpack. Finally, he reaches the seed package and the next dialogue follows.
MCH: This is what?
I am: the seeds.
MCH – Why?
I asked to bring.
What can not be bought in Russia?
I am: I can.
Q: So why are you lucky?
I: I asked for it.
I feel that our communication is beginning to get stuck.
And then he asks: Did you buy it yourself?
I am : No.
It was my global mistake. After that, I almost became a criminal.
A package of seeds was taken for 20 minutes for some examination.
After 20 minutes, the young man came back and said the seeds were fine, but they couldn’t be carried in hand luggage, and he asked me to put them in a bag of things.
I am cleaning. He is leaving. I wait to check my bag.
After 10 minutes, the young man returns and reports that his shift is over and the examination will continue by another specialist.
It is 10 minutes (there are 15 minutes until the end of registration).
A girl arrives and starts looking at my bag. A package of seeds.
I am already beginning to realize that I am getting a trance. Then there is the dialogue described above, with precision to fifth. Seeds are taken for examination. Registration is coming to an end.
I realize that today I can no longer fly, I begin to relax.
The girl returns and reports that everything is okay with the seeds, but they cannot be carried in the luggage and I better put them in the backpack. I reasonably noticed that I didn’t care, but her previous colleague had already asked me to remove them from there.
The girl thought. I asked her to throw them into the trash and let me go somewhere. She refused and went out to meet her colleagues.
Registration is over. I, cursing my colleagues, thought where to find a place to sleep so that I could leave tomorrow.
But then my girlfriend returns without the seeds and reports that the seeds are packed in a special safe box that I will receive upon arrival.
To my comment that the registration has ended, and I don't seem to fly today, she replied: - no problems.
Then she took my hand and led me to a special stand where I was registered. She then led me through all the checks and passport checks and brought me straight into the plane.
In Domodedovo, in addition to the bag, I was given a 30x30x30 cardboard box with red inscriptions in Hebrew.
The driver, who met me at the airport, immediately asked what was in the box, for which I was immediately sent three letters.
I never brought anything from Israel to my colleagues.

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