— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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On Sept. 7, 1812, I was moving, commanding the proper troops that belonged to me, along the Smolensk road towards the city of Moscow. The speed of movement was 3 km / h, visibility - 800 m. In the Borodino area, I was suddenly struck in the front of my army by an army without numbers, managed by Mr. Kutuzov M. I., deprived of the driver's license for driving the troops in a drunk state, as well as a vision disabled. As a result, the front parts of my troops were damaged. The culprit of the incident escaped from the scene, leaving Moscow with the lighting on.
Buonaparte N. K.

I was advised to cross the Rubicon by Rubikyan and Rubinstein... Caesar G. Y.

I did not kill my wife, queen Euplaxia, she is alive and healthy, she sits on a col, what she wishes you! The terrible I. V.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna