— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Skyrim is a very life game. Yesterday, she decided to marry her companion, the magician Marquario of Riften. Great magic, it helps well, why not? He is agreeing. There is a ceremony, all the chenches. It should be noted that the magician was dressed in my cloth and carried a bunch of my loot with him.After the ceremony he asks where we will live.
“In my house, in Weitran,” I say.
Great, we’ll meet there! Answered by Marcus.
He wears his clothes and leaves.
I go to Waitran. He is not. I go into the tavern, maybe he wraps there, rejoicing. He is not. By the way, this creature decided that now 50% of my property belongs to him, as my husband, and washed off.
I'm so damn a loser that I'm being dismissed even in a single game.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna