— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Where did you disappear?
The Devil
Not only that I cleaned the potatoes... so I also roasted it and roasted it... son we go to dinner...
I also got puzzles, do you know why?? to
Mom is silent in the kitchen, included: a cup of tea, a stove, 3 comforts, an extraction with light, a lamp, a music center, a microwave, a stove. The eyewitness in the room, included: the box, the house, the cinema, the notepad, the lamp of 5 when the light went out and I went to set it up, they met near my room and came to the conclusion that the light went out because of the fact that I play loud music, the monitor and the nightclub are on!!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna