— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Hot coffee with a delicate smell.
On the server, it sits and lulls.
I am glad to breathe it again.
The hot glasses are not afraid.

There was silence over the room.
And the cools just whisper with her in the tone,
You are taken to the wave of sleep,
You were condemned from the beginning.

The night passes like thousands of others.
The light burns, the monitor burns.
You feel a second, time, moment,
Look at the firewall.

But the network is silent and he writes quietly,
clock in a kilobytes log,
Friends, enemies, your worst dreams
Or a career epilogue.

You move the console with your empty hand.
The blind fingers are picking - "root",
Now you are God, but you have forgotten the pain,
When space time comes back.

When you get up and go home,
No one will meet, no one will open the door.
You will drink tea alone.
Go to bed in a cold bed.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna