— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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During testing of the new protective helmet, it was found that when overloaded, the helmet sensitively presses the ear. This fact the test pilot reflected in his manuscript report. When it was reprinted, the sexually concerned driver used a different term, also consisting of three letters, instead of "ear." When the chief visited the report, he, having not perceived the essence of the document during a run-through viewing, was stuck with a look behind the censorship. And in the phrase "...the pilot feels itching in the area of..." the commander of the v/h hhhhh personally with a red pencil scratched the last word and wrote "pha". As a result, a line appeared in the report: "During the tests of ZSh-... on overload more than seven times the pilot experienced itching in the spleen area."

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna