— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It was made up of pieces of many memoirs. On October 41, five of our armies were surrounded by Vyazma. Called from Leningrad, Zhukov is looking for the commander of the front, Marshal Budionny, among the bays near Moscow. Road to
Moscow is opened, a column of German armored vehicles is carried on the Warsaw Highway. A group of students from the Yuchnovsky school put a few pupils on the highway and struck a straight hint. The German column wavered and rushed around the forest. At first it went well, but then charged a sleepy small rain. They only got a few kilometers to the highway with their clever maneuver. The German tank driver managed to write in the diary - "their ears were stuck in dirt. We do not go, we dig. It would freeze!” When the tanks plunged into the tower, the frosts burst.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna