— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In the trip to nature I take RPSH with bullets BLIK - children love when loud.And here, three years ago, in the deaf forests near Murom, again our friend stuck - the duck is not fresh, the duck is vodka, but he suffered for two days, while telling everyone what a nightmare!Now imagine..night, full of silence and darkness, all are going to sleep, drinking the norm.The other takes the toilet roll and with the sows-No, all! The last time I die, don’t ask me!!- Goes to the side of the bushes under the pine (there is a special place).It was necessary to accurately determine the time- approach, removal of pants, planting, tension-Shoot in the pine,GROHOT,HURT!!! And...expensive male, thank you and a glass of vodka, as a recognition of the successes of non-traditional medicine.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna