— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The Princess:
In short..I re-printed the course... well that is there with all the amendments, the type of page number, etc. and when it is printed I take it in my hands and I understand that the sheets are all black.
Well, I’m so shorter, I lay under the table... I get the cartridge... and cat... that’s where the shit just came.
In short...I open the cartridge...there’s paint as a fan...but it’s in the form of I’m just blackened...the whole room...the whole room!! I have all my mouth, my nails, my legs, my hair, I’ve been sitting on the floor for a long time, I didn’t even know where to start, because every single move I made gave rise to more and more black... I gave rise to absolute darkness!Imagine a picture... I am sitting on the floor all in ink, so dull and only one word in complete silence -...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna