— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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1st The fucking. The name was proposed by the reader of the blog, to designate any conditionally edible goods in a small package. Type of Kirieches, BeerKi or Russian Potatoes.

2nd by Pidorini. Pidordini is a collective image for all brands used by metrosexualists. Since the guy's costume may be Brijuni, and something more Dolce and Gabbana, and he will suck Baldessarini, it is easier to say "everything from Pidordin".

Three and Fuflomycin. Another title suggested by the reader. Fuflomycin is a generic drug with a long-known chemical formula that is promoted under its own brand and therefore costs several times more, although the chemical formula is identical.

4 is and Uebonics. Weboniks or Webonika are trademarks of Russian-Chinese origin, which invented a Western genealogy. Somehow "German"Bork, "Austrian"Vitek or "British"Scarlett.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna