— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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We have a tragedy: all the buses in the area disappeared in the morning. I had the honor of storming the route gazelle and taking it!
then placed in it comfortably in the posture of the cancer, supporting the entrance door with a butt (which was extremely useful for the door, since before that it was held on the same shovel)
What a coincidence. I was driving in about the same position, but the door wasn’t opened at all because of me, and all the stunners at the subsequent stops were forced to wash.))) and also... a Negro was lying on me!
I have to admit that you’ve driven a lot more exotic!
WOW: It was strange.
xxx: by the way, the route minibus (which runs on Moscow transit tickets and categorically does not take standing ones) stupidly stopped at our stop, full of fresh-frozen citizens, to land ONE (!) passenger to the only free seat. How he was wrong! Within two minutes he carried not only standing, but also hanging and lying. He was barely put down himself - because there was a whole free place under him!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna