— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Where do the anecdotes come from?
Here is an example. So, in the village, where I started my career as a communicator, there was also a clinic for mentally ill people (in the people - a psychic). His corps were located nearby through a small square in front of the building of the Reich Executive Committee. Once in the winter, when he gathered us, the chiefs of various levels, to give us the next infusion, the chairman of the executive committee told us about an incident that recently happened to him here.
It was just the height of winter, January, on the street freezes for minus forty overflow, and hearing the noise outside the window, he looked out into the window and saw the following picture on the square: on the snow covered by cars, the man laid the blanket, all the clothes carefully folded next to him, and the man himself was naked, in shorts standing on the blanket. His hands are crossed on his chest and he slowly turns to one side, then to the other. The president did not let go and went out to this idiot. To his question, what are you doing here? He replied proudly, “Don’t you see that I am lighting up!”The weather was sunny. This is how anecdotes are born.
These sick people from the psychiatric dispenser were mostly harmless and they were often attracted to various jobs that did not require much intellectual labor, to work they went with great pleasure and were proud of this.
And not far from the district center was a vegetable farm, and as it was in the USSR, workers of external organizations were involved in the harvesting of vegetables, we were no exception. Once we were thrown to the breakthrough: urgently collect the cucumbers from a fairly decent territory, and the humor was that yesterday these people from the dispenser worked on this field. And, as the brigadier told us: before the start of the work, she showed them a small cucumbers, crushed as an example, these need to crack the cucumbers. And in the end, not a lot of cucumbers were collected, but all as one for selection - one size.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna