— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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by He11:
In the army there were:
The fire broke out on the fourth floor of the regiment. On the floor 4 cabinets, in each computer, and a toilet-smoker. As a staff officer, I had to solve the problem. He called the electricians, as always drunk. They said, “The cable has burned, buy the cable, put it.” He got the money, bought it, called it again, and they said, “The cable needs to be in the cable channel.” I found money, bought a cable channel, called, they said, “And now put all that stuff on the wall, we’ll connect.” "He gave birth to the drill, fixed everything in mind, called the electricians. They came, drove for 10 minutes, said "everything is ready", handed over.
He entered the headquarters in a week. I go up to the 4th floor, turn off the lights in the toilet, all the electricity on the floor is cut off, four angry majors run out of the cabinets, shouting: "What hatred has turned off the lights in the toilet? I have not kept my order, I have changed it 5 times!!! All of you have to do".
As I recall, I regret not having done it all myself.

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