— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I recently met an interesting guy named Sasha. High, representative, secure – in general, a real gentleman. I was lucky to be at his home. A very polite and economical wife quickly arranged a table with all the accompanying elements. We sit, drink, eat and talk. And here I see a picture in the frame on the wall. In the picture – a slim dark girl, with a slightly sloppy look. I am polite about the owner, who is he? The husband does not look at all, for the daughter - the age is not suitable, so why does her photo occupy such an honorable place? The owner laughed and told me a very strange story.
Several years ago, when he was serving in the army for a period of time, six months before the dembel, a fellow servant showed him a letter from his sister, in which she wrote that one of her friends very much liked Sasha, whom she saw on the photo sent. And this friend just begged her to let her write Sasha a letter. Sasha had no girlfriend, so he gladly agreed to the correspondence. Soon there came a letter from Nasty (that was the name of this girlfriend), which was so complicated and beautifully written that it incredibly captivated our hero. Plus, in the envelope was a photo that Sasha could be said to have fallen in love with.
They started a novel in letters, which then smoothly grew into a phone novel. By the time of his demobilization, Sasha no longer imagined life without Nasty, and this despite the fact that except for the photos he had never seen her. And here, after the service, he goes not home, but to a distant unfamiliar town to his beloved. Just imagine what a shock he experienced when it was discovered that instead of a black beauty with dark eyes, Nastya turned out to be a red and simple girl who was absolutely not in his taste! Sasha, of course, scandalized quite a bit, but quickly calmed down, as the stunned Nastya immediately confessed to the deception, assuring, however, that all her letters were written from the heart. Having placed all the points over I, Sasha went to the station, to buy a return ticket, and the girl killed by sorrow, like a shadow, plunged after him - to carry. At the station, it was possible to get a ticket only the next day, and, seeing it, Nastya began to ask him to spend the night with her. The city was unfamiliar, there was nowhere to go - I had to agree.
Well, as the reader probably guessed, the next day Sasha did not go anywhere. Only two weeks later he appeared at home with the bride, from which his parents (very, by the way, solid people) had, as if gentler to say, a slight dizziness, from the "pleasure" for his own son. Despite all sorts of troubles that stood in the way of Sasha and Nasta, they married, and live, soul to soul, raising two red son. From a happy family life, Nastya flourished, turning into a real lady - with a proud attitude and aristocratic manners. And here in memory of their unusual acquaintance, Sasha and Nastya decided to hang on a prominent place the same photo, with which, in fact, began their happy life.
Well, and now, the most interesting: who is this stranger, whose photo was put into the envelope of Nastya? The porn star Sasha Grey.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna