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Once a long time ago I was told the story of Stalin's minister of coal industry Zasyadko. I do not guarantee the truth, although in a similar interpretation the story is mentioned in Wikipedia.
Stalin did not like to drink alone. Once, while in Donbass, he wanted to drink at night. His surroundings could only find the director of one of Zasyadko mines. And here, when they drank enough, suddenly Zasyadko resolutely covered his palm and refused to drink further. To all Stalin’s proposals he replied with one duty phrase: “Zasadko measure knows.” So it lasted long enough and more Stalin never managed to pour into Zasyadko a single drink.
Some time later, when the question of a new minister of coal industry arose, Stalin was given a list for approval. At the end of the list was the name Zasiadko. Stalin asked, “Why is Zasyadko at the end?” He replied, “The expert is good, but he drinks a lot, he does not know the measure.” After this, Stalin, with the words: "Zasiadko measure knows" approved him as the minister of coal industry.

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