— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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At the end of 2011, on the last day of a very tough trip to the Presbyterian at eight o’clock, I sat with my employee Alexey in the restaurant, finished dinner, already ordered a glass of beer and ready to ask for a bill. He gets a SMS. Alexey reads, thinks and asks - and how would we call good girls? I quietly officed. It seems like a simple guy from a neighboring area, married, intelligent, quiet cleaner, almost never communicated - and such a question. I think the subordinates are asking such questions. I ask, are you sure? He answers that yes. Did I use it myself before? He answers that not. Have you cheated on your wife at all? Again not. Again I repeat: Leha, I did not betray my wife, so now I am divorced, but you fuck where? The organs are all the same, and this is at one end of the path, so give me 250 viscars on my account and just sit here? I insist, I want it and that’s all. If you don’t want to, I’ll ask the taxi drivers where they are. And the eyes are so calm, confident, steel – I know that look. For each new task, Loeh is taken with the same look and does not let go until he does. Well, I think, all, Ambec, will now find capital adventures on his provincial ass, and answer me. Okay, I said, yours took it. Only here Moscow and really good less than 20 per hour can not cost. For this money you can fly to Egypt for a week, I will make your vacation, rest, and tell your wife that a business trip. Lohah unwavering: 20 so 20. I figure out finally - he has his own salary just under 50, with all possible awards and repairs. Expensive, but the word to keep - in general, from the restaurant wai-fai via the Internet found, called. By ten o’clock the girls came – one in one as in the pictures, tall, slim, hair to shoulder, dressed like a secular reception – the highest class in one word. Children cannot read about it, and adults are not interested. There was an airplane in the morning and I didn't remember this case until somewhere two months later, Lecha came to apply for divorce from work to the court. At that moment, I was looked at by two quiet, confident steel eyes.
And then I decided to ask a personal question - what was the content of the SMS, after which an adequate person and family man so ardently wished for dear selling love? He silently picked up the phone, found that SMS and let me read it. It turns out, recovering to 20kg, almost ceased to watch for herself and shaved under the boy, a chronically unworking wife, on the last day of a two-week trip sent her husband the only SMS: "Mom came. Don’t drink today. Take 30 thousand. Tomorrow I’ll buy a good TV. P.S If you go in, don’t knock on the door.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna