— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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But here is not:

XXX: How about Annie?
WOW: She left me.
HHH: How is it? She did not hope in your soul, on the contrary, as if you were not all right?
WOW: I stopped going to the barbecue, started hanging in the beer bar with friends, accidentally forgot to congratulate me on March 8, set up a WOW... And the day after she left me, everything returned to its own.
HH: But why all these actions? Isn’t it easier or cooler to send a girl?
WOW: Son, grow up and you will realize that there is nothing worse than an insulted abandoned cock, thirsty for revenge.

You play with the fire, because if she learns about it, then it turns out that she is also deceived. This is hell’s nightmare!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna