— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I will tell you one friends.If in the grandmother sits a blatant gene, you have nothing and you will never poison it.How do you raise her, don't love it or don't fuck it.I had such a girl.I tormented a little bit of my childhood.And she (blatantly) fuck you have a million on the account or 250 rubles in your pocket.She is just a blatant and all here, you have her even diamonds and coffee to her in bed, it's all useless.These creatures even have their creed, which they think is correct and unbearable to refute.It will sound like this:"Dear, I love you!I am very strong!I am spiritually faithful to you and this is the main thing.And that I went on a birthday to a girlfriend Clave
And your task brothers to bite this at the very beginning of the relationship!And just like that even approximately blurred in her speech, boldly go on the fucking and without regret fall to the side of Bobruisk before it is too late.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna