— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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SerЁga: I remember when I was 16 (and it was 1997), my boys and I thought where to work in the summer. And we underwent work on dismantling the old suburban rural two/three-storey barracks, which were built before the war. The conditions were as follows: we break and crush everything we can (quawalds, more than - the poof, the main thing is to crush as much as possible, the cars take it out every night, and the rest is already crushing the crane from the gear). Payment per day in proportion to what is done (broken). My boys and I spent three weeks together! There were dozens of houses. They trained to beat the doors, crush the non-bearing walls, break the tiles, shake the frames straight with glasses, etc. Then I went home again in the evening. Tired, dirty and sweaty. I think I'll come now, go to the bathroom, drink, change clothes. And something noticed, thought and, by habit, knocked off his apartment entrance door in shit! Along with the box! I have already worked out this skill at the expert level. I remember having to talk to my parents a long time later.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna