— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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He served in the tank troops. The guide. So, there were combat shootings, the target at a distance of 1 km. Whoever did not hit the target for the first time, took a 30-kilogram projectile in his hands, ran with it to the target, struck the target until it fell, and returned with the projectile on the hill back. Sometimes they were forced to do it. The harsh service

I served as a commander on TV, so in case of failure we hit the target with the help of a barrel (there is one on the tank, behind) and the above-mentioned method by all the friendly crew of the combat vehicle)))
and the heaviest projectile - OFS, weighing 28kg, its weight-sized layout in Pechah could be carried with you all day for a mat at classes)))
Greetings to all the Belarusian tanks 😉

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