— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I’ve never written here, but now it’s cracking!
to you:
"...People, Fuck the joke over the gloss!!! Sit around your offices... But GLONASS will still work. Russia’s future is space. Even if you hurry.
It’s not funny because it’s already..."
You are either a pathological optimist, or you are completely zombie by the First Channel! You are not confused by the wording in the report on "Fobos-Grunt":" The influence of cosmic space factors..."?!! They were there, on the journey, did not know that they were launching into space. I’ve heard that a few times a week!!! The appliances are made of spare parts (by the way, don't be surprised that Chinese) intended exclusively for land use, so that it's cheaper, although the money is released go-go (guess where they are leaking). Cosmodroms are not updated, all communications have already been destroyed there, or are kept in isolation, there are no new carriers, and the old ones even Roscosmos is afraid to let go.
And your GLONASSs were first launched in 1982, and the fact that for 30 years the system has not been able to create it, you also do not seem to be embarrassed. It is not surprising, they are already disconnected from the accelerator with the curves of time, and there is no mention of any operation for years. But you believe, Uncle Pu is promising from the box that we were, are and will be a great cosmic power, bla bla bla. Not extinct yet at the expense of the technology of the Soviet science remaining, but it is not long left.
P.S And yes, I’m not the "manager in the office".

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna