— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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We travel in Germany by car. On the front seats, two friends talk restrainedly, and I got an employee behind me with a code nickname "I want to know everything". With a speed of a hundred questions per minute, we move on the highway: "What is this inscription?", "What is this, breezes?", "What is the next city?", "Where will we eat?", "Where will we order a roll?", "Why did you learn German?";
After an hour, seeing that the enthusiasm is not inclined to diminish, I could not withstand and loudly asked the comrade not to catch me. Suddenly my request was understood, he turned to the window and began to look at the dull landscape.
From the front seat the question: “What, did you argue?” and I answer: “The power is no more, as in the anecdote about Papa, de More.”
Suddenly my neighbor stumbled, his eyes burned, turned to me and ringed, with anxiety: "Sea? Where is the sea?"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna