— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Yesterday I visited Vologda for business. And walking through the streets of this ancient Russian city saw a striking picture. Imagine: on the roadside of the road a huge pit, through which cars are carried without reducing the speed. Next to the road - a sidewalk on which to walk a pedestrian, and not to be scratched - is absolutely impossible. And here on the sidewalk are two girls, eighteen years old, and one of them in a white jacket... All – I think, now the white jacket will have a miserable look! But it turned out that I greatly underestimated the ingenuity of the Volgograd girls!
In front of the grove, the girl gave her bag and suitcase to a friend, and herself, rushing to some fence, returned, holding half a red brick in her hand. Now the two girls began to slowly walk along the pit, while the white jacket moisturizer threateningly nodded with a brick in his hand, while looking at the cars passing by. Her whole appearance expressed the absolute confidence that she would unthinkingly throw that brick into the car that would make her dirt! I was in this column, and I really did not want to get a stone in the glass!
The cars didn’t just slow down, they stopped. And they stood until the girls passed through the dangerous area. As the old saying goes, “There are women in Russian villages!”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna