— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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in the university buffet.
Lunch and student crowds. A long row with leaves, gallery. A buffeter, a heavy-duty man of the 50s, distributes pasta and pasta, jokes with girls.
A grey-haired old man departs from the stand, and holding a canvas and a strange bag in his hands, he seeds to a free place.
The buffet changes in the face. With a scream, "Again!Again!" he pulls out of the glass with the appliances a huge table knife, and, kicking off the road the cashier, rushes to catch the old man.
The turn goes down. There is no pause.
The buffetman, taking turns, runs to the old woman who sits relentlessly at the table, drinks something, handes him a knife and slowly returns to the stand.
Then again breathe out.
The old man gets an apple from a pack.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna