— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The man once said that the scooter wanted. We lie down, we watch television, there are two people crashed on a scooter.
I: You see what a scooter you have!
This is how they chase!
I: Do you want to chase?
I am not chasing at all.
I: How do you know if you’re chasing or not, you don’t have a scooter yet?
My husband: I had a motorcycle, but I didn’t chase it!
I: He was so old, he’t be able to drive fast.
Husband: Do you know what he was? Nine of them went up the mountain.
Q: What about the speed? What speed did you drive?
Man: I don’t know, there was no spidometer on him.

I laughed to tears)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna