— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Lightbrinder: Las, as usual, a masterpiece
Lightbrinder: It took him somehow to pump files from the internet. A lot of 2.5 giga. By the way, because of the planner.
Lightbrinder: Its own Internet is slow and expensive
Lightbrinder: Thought it was a miracle, thought - and invented!
Lightbrinder: He remembered that he had a friend to whom Las Wifi had configured a password for him. This familiar happy owner of fast and unlimited internet, and lives on the first floor
Lightbrinder: So this miracle called Las didn’t want to ask for a visit. He did better.
Lightbrinder: At two o’clock in the night, he got on a bicycle and ran for thirty kilometers to find the internet!! to
Lightbrinder: Here are the thieves of the 21st century

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna