— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The days with my wife and granddaughter (4,5 years old) we sit on one of the benches near the suburban cash, waiting for the electric car, which is almost two hours. A large number of people rest or spend time nearby. Anyone who has been to Kaliningrad at Southern Station knows that the treasures are on their way to suburban trains, as if in a tunnel with a separate entrance. There is nothing to do to watch what is happening around us. A day before the weekend, and the weddings one by one pass by, some stop near us on the train station square. From the car, young people and the discharged audience are poured out, marked with champagne or something stronger. They leave. Some weddings (likely to come for registration from the area) are overloaded in buses and left on them.
Suddenly, one wedding, or rather, its youthful component (the bridegroom and the bride, witnesses and a man ten young people) are moving forward in our direction, we are naturally interested. The whole campaign enters the tunnel, a witness on the road wraps in the train station tent for a minute and jumps out with four bottles of champagne. Twenty minutes later, all the slightly entertained people go back, with them a few more people dressed clearly not for the holiday, some in a railway shirt. Obviously, the bride works here and decided to visit the staff.
The bridegroom for some necessity goes to the car, and the bride with two girls goes aside from the entrance, there is such a corner, formed behind the exit in the wall, which, judging by the numerous cigarettes on the asphalt, is used mainly as a place for smoking and... right, takes a cigarette from them and smokes.
To admit, a lush white beautiful dress with open shoulders, a cute face, an elegant haircut and suddenly - a cigarette in your hands, rubbed with "tours", asphalt, not very beautiful composition, it turns out. I just thought of how suddenly I heard a loud ringing child’s voice: “This beautiful wife is smoking, isn’t it so bad, grandmother?” The people around smiled, some even started laughing. I accidentally turned my head to the left and saw the red like the cancer of the bridegroom just passing by at this time. He stumbled sharply at the bride, pulled a cigarette out of her hand and began to say something sharply, she burst out, ran back into the tunnel to the box office, he and the witness behind her. The friends, looking around, stayed. A minute later, a witness came out and approached them, asking them to approach the young people in the form of a “support group”. When asked what was there and how, quite loudly, he replied with one word: "Collapse." What immediately followed (calling, loudly, as taught in the kindergarten) commentary of our child: "Grandmother, really, you can't say so, you have to say KAKAYU!" The people who smiled before this began to slip from the benches, and the wife said, "This is the beginning of family life..."

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna