— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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metaredcliff: "When we walked with Kalashnikov (staking, but you can't distinguish from the present) - nobody stopped us either. In the billiard asked to give the machine in the closet, and only. But when a man from him targeted our own girl, his PPSNs immediately turned. Ours come out of the store - they see, the man with the machine is lying in the ground and smiles, on it the dogs are sitting. The officers then admitted that the adrenaline was full, we go, we see, a wart with a machine is about to shoot. But while people just went with Kalashnikov - no one had any questions, " apparently need". And this despite the fact that the beard and the Afghan hat on the head"
Pingvin: Well, it’s somehow just uncomfortable for a man with a machine to specify whether he really needs it.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna