— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Orthography and puncture are preserved.

babah: well why I don't have a guy :-( as always.ээээээххххххххххххххх a guy is not at 13 years old. girls from my class at 14 years old me and my girlfriend are 13 years old :((( I want a guy t.k. I was struck by the girls with their questions "and where your guy is"I am very upset to see classmates happy and we and Anya walk like two ghosts no one sees us.
A little bit of the chest is almost 1 size of what is still character good and cheerful.and the boys from the class in what silicone doll all over the chest there is no empty lipstick to paint like a cow what ton of tonic on the face is applied and I.......I am the worse I am NATURAL.What more naaaaaaaaaaaaaddдооoooooooooooooooo!!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna