— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The end of the 80s, the international, the 16th commonwealth of the Kiev Politek, the famine, but mostly among the USSR, foreign uncaschis, especially the Arabs, lived quite decently... :)

When I make my own tea, I suddenly realize that sugar is yoghurt (NO, Turkish). I go out and meet Michael Hindu on the stairs. I must say that Michael was a man of interesting fate. His mother was, according to rumors, a Moscovite, his father - some Indian Rajah, Brahman, or both, both are poor people, which was confirmed by the rich gift of his son with all kinds of material goods during their visits to Moscow and India. In all other things, Michael was no different from the ordinary Soviet student-bucharic of that time - participation in drunkenness, half-hungry existence, prolonged sessions, etc. And even outwardly he was not like an Hindu - a healthy European-looking bugai under 1.90, a slightly darkened face and speaking Russian almost without an accent. Since upon arrival from his hometown, Michael almost immediately drank everything brought with numerous friends, it was difficult to catch him not empty. And I seemed to have succeeded! When asked about sugar, Michael answered affirmatively and took me with my sweets to his room. There, on the table, virginly clean and in the complete absence of even tiny food, there was a teaspoon of sugar lying in the middle, a minute before meeting me "shoot" by Michael at someone else.

Just leave me a little.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna