— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Spain, Mallorca, a Russian circus, familiar with the circus, comes to us

The trainer. The meeting was held in a Russian restaurant. In the process

When we meet the owner of the restaurant, he learns that Vasya works in the circus.

He asks him to bring a beast, possibly a dog.

There’s a trained or a monkey, I don’t know... the next night at the restaurant.

The Russian company with the... bear. Everyone sits at the table.

I ordered a glass of vodka and a glass of bear. and just continues

Ordinary Russian party. Environmental tourists and locals

The Russians are playing with the bear. He drinks glasses, and so on.

Eating with olives. People have celebrated, everything is okay, we move to

In the street, the police are waiting, someone has already called. goodly

Evening-documents-why with the bear-not

Vasya is, he says, and this is not a bear, it is such a Russian.

The Shepherd! The police gradually flatter, say to stand here and leave.

Advice to your car. 10 minutes later, they come back.

“You seem to be deceiving us! “Vasya says, ‘How do we lie when

This is a truly trained Russian Shepherd! He brings the bear to his

the car, makes him a sign, he jumps into the open window and sits down! by V

Everyone is released in peace. The next day in the local newspaper.

Photo and article about how the Russians walk in the streets with bears...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna