— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ]
Vera: Al, you see Kuznetsov in the universe?
Alina: Well yes! and what?
I write him a curriculum, well you know. And this fool yesterday calls me in the middle of the night and cries "there is something to change places and something to remove a shorter no more, the underground is overwhelmed, I don't remember anything, I have everything on my computer." I tell him - well you came to me on the mail, what you need, I will do. He says well. Just to be ready for tomorrow! Well, I’m squeezing a little, but I’m saying fine. And he turns off. I sit waiting like a fool - so nothing sent, does not answer the calls. Who could have thought!! That damn calls me again today and so horribly asks me, why is this nothing ready?! Really why?
I am actually about something. If you meet him, please come back and hit him with something heavy on the head. Tell me from me. Thanks in advance.
Alina: % of OK!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna