— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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What men want

Once upon a time, the American Andrew fell into our office — firmly under the pencil, but with a blinding, like a flash, smile. His daughter with a burnt face looked suspiciously with penetrated vasillary eyes. A week later I was upset that no dentistry in our city does whiten my teeth.

Andrew’s character was shy, but engaging. On all the girls passing by, he flashed with his corporate smile. They argued, whether they were a preacher or a confused maniac. The latter, however, was close to the truth - under his unshakable appearance hid a powerful temperament. Once in an empty supermarket he invited me to dance the cashier, and well with her, by the way, walked under the rust of his friends.

Someone may have thought of him as a terrible babble for such things, and I know Andrew as a licked man for many years. He will not hurt the flies, even on a call. He only needed true love, and he had it.

Envying Tatiana (30, divorced, only half-headed), Andrew was terribly pale and dull. To put it manly, he was stumbling. His most bold attack was Tane's declaration of Vignone's vicious poems in French.

As it turned out later, they both did not know the language, but he made an impression. In the sense, Tatiana herself was already stunned by his distant manoeuvres, and also began to get red, dying and dull when he appeared.

The end came at a corporate celebration, where they both appeared. At one glance at Andrew, it became clear that he was just being ripped away from some carefully prepared surprise. But he did not decide. Zalpou dried the fuser of champagne and froze it. And I suddenly noticed in his Vasilkov's eyes a ragged Essenin's sadness and an unshakable fuss. Andrew pulled out of his mouth an untouched sandwich, marched towards Tana with a relatively smooth step, caught her frightened look and declared decisively:

and Tatiana! I want you!” in almost pure Russian. He hadn’t even said “hello” before.

The choking immediately stopped. Tatiana was painted. Andrew Dopper, that he could not be heard, repeated loudly and separately. Slowly and passionate. The same thing. “I want!” This time it turned out to be somewhat demanding. Poor Tani’s face was painted with something like, “But I can’t!”

Andrew painstakingly shrugged his forehead, took out the paper and read it completely: “Tatiana! I want you! Invite me to the theatre!”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna